Monday, November 3, 2008

Memphis Central High class of 1977 is alive and well

Our class had its 30th reunion on October 10 and 11. We'd never had one before; nope, not a 10th, 20th, nada. A few of us got together and decided to plan toward something, and we also decided to combine with the classes of 1976 and 1978 which turned out great. About 125 total attendance (about 100 plus some spouses). One of the best decisions was to have J2 Class Reunions handle the administrative stuff (collecting money, getting the venue, catering, DJ, etc) so we ourselves could enjoy the event just like everyone else. Another great feature was a 45-minute gig by the band Tahbet Wax, which was a reunion itself of a band comprised of a couple of CHS 76'ers and other bandmates. Two are currenly professional musicians, George Bradfute (of the Nashville music scene) who graduated CHS around 74, and Jon Wells, a free-lance Vegas drummer from CHS 76. Also Luther Bradfute on keyboard and guitar from CHS 76. Our reunion weekend started with the homecoming game itself on Friday night, followed by an after-game gathering at Tsunami on South Cooper (thanks to the generosity of Tim Smith, CHS 77, who runs the restaurant/bar with his brother). Saturday included a lunch (BBQ) in the CHS cafeteria, with the freedom to roam the school and see old and new features. Saturday night was the main event at Holiday Inn East on Poplar, with the full ballroom, catered dinner, cash bar, and of course music (with a DJ, except for the 45 minute band gig). The whole thing came together better than any of us could have imagined. Many friendships were reconnected, and it was just a great time to soak up the positive vibe of the evening. Over all too soon, but with enough inertia to launch reunions yet to come.


Anonymous said...

Larry, I truly enjoyed your "ramblings" of the reunion and memories of your days at Walmart. You're very talented. I loved the words to your "Starbucks" song, too (haven't heard the song, itself, yet).
Take care,

Jeannie Russell

Jo Strom said...

Tell George and Luke I said hello. It seems so long ago now.


Jo Strom said...

I never could get your name right...sorry Luther. I'll just say it's a typo although you know different since you took Typing classes with me haha.